Beaver Island Christian Church is a multi-denominational church established in 1963. We invite you to join us for Sunday services and children’s worship at 9:30 am in the summer (Memorial Day weekend through Labor Day) and 10:00 am after Labor Day. We are located on the corner of Kenwabikise Lane and Pine Street. All are welcome. Our services are led by a variety of visiting pastors and the schedule of pastors can be found on our Facebook page and also the NorthernIslander. Our visiting ministers are offered a stay with their families for the week in our Parsonage. We sponsor an Easter Brunch, Thanksgiving Dinner, and Christmas Cantata to which everyone in the community is invited. For several years we have hosted an ecumenical Vacation Bible School for Island children and visitors. Adjacent to our Church is the Gregg Fellowship, named after Phil and Lil Gregg, charter members of the Beaver Island Christian Church. It contains a large comfortable gathering place for reunions, museum week art fair, holiday bazaar, bingo, Halloween Trick or Treat, and other events. Sit-down dining capacity is 149. Rental information is available from Judi Meister – or 231-448-2963. See Gregg Fellowship Center on Facebook. View Web Site E-mail
The parishioners of Holy Cross Catholic Church welcome you to join them for Sunday masses and other activities throughout the year. Winter Mass Schedule: Sunday 9:30 AM Weekday Communion Service and Eucharistic Adoration on Tues. and Thurs. at 9 a.m. and 6:30 PM Traveling Rosary at 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday. Please visit our Prayer Garden overlooking Paradise Bay. Memorial bricks for the garden may be purchased to be inscribed with the names of loved ones (please pick up an order form in the church foyer). Other activities at Holy Cross include religious classes for the students, an adult Bible study group, and parish events like the Memorial Weekend Concert and the August Dinner. The parish Altar Society is very active. Across from the church is Holy Cross Hall, the perfect place to hold wedding receptions, reunions, concerts and dances. With a large reception room, tables and chairs, china, a fully furnished kitchen, separate bar room, restrooms and stage – Holy Cross Hall has everything you need for your special event. The rental fee is $400 for full use of the Hall, with a $200 refundable security deposit. Non-profit rates are available. Microphones, speakers, etc. are available for a modest additional fee. For more information call: Deacon Jim Siler (231) 448-2230 or . For information on the Holy Cross Hall, contact Leona Pease (231) 448-2206 or
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The members of Lighthouse Fellowship would like to invite you to Worship with us at the Peaine Township Hall on Kings Highway every Sunday morning at 10:00 a.m. We have an informal time together with songs praise and looking at a portion of the Bible for instruction and encouragement. Light refreshments are served following the worship service for a time of getting acquainted and fellowship. We are a Bible-based group of believers,accepting the entire Bible as the unfailing word of God. We believe the Bible has been preserved throughout history though written by men, it is the inspired word of God and serves as our instruction for daily living as we journey through life on the earth. Our mission outreach is both to the needs of the island people and to people far away. Contact us by mail- Wayne Duncun- 1975 15th Ave, Alexis, Ill 61412. or phone 309-582-6404
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Our Church is located on Gallagher Street between Pine and Maine Street across from the St. James Cemetery. Sunday Services are at 10:00 a.m.; June through September, Holy Eucharist, October through May, Morning Prayer. (231) 448-2241.