Lighthouse Fellowship
The members of Lighthouse Fellowship would like to invite you to Worship with us at the Peaine Township Hall on Kings Highway every Sunday morning at 10:00 a.m. We have an informal time together with songs praise and looking at a portion of the Bible for instruction and encouragement. Light refreshments are served following the worship service for a time of getting acquainted and fellowship.
We are a Bible-based group of believers,accepting the entire Bible as the unfailing word of God. We believe the Bible has been preserved throughout history though written by men, it is the inspired word of God and serves as our instruction for daily living as we journey through life on the earth. Our mission outreach is both to the needs of the island people and to people far away.
Contact us by mail box 250 Beaver Island Mi 49782 or phone (231)448- 3166 or (231) 448- 2611 E-mail